Natural Silicone (Natura-Tec® Plantsil)
Natural Silicone (Natura-Tec® Plantsil)
Freistädter Straße 16
4040 Linz
Natural Silicone (Natura-Tec® Plantsil) offers an innovative and sustainable alternative to traditional silicones in the cosmetics industry. Derived from olive oil, this plant-based silicone impresses with its exceptional properties. It is colorless, liquid, and has a neutral scent, making it extremely versatile in application.
With its ability to create a silky-soft, powdery, and long-lasting velvety skin feel, it sets new standards in natural cosmetics. It also improves the spreadability of products on the skin and reduces the unwanted whitening effect of creams. In hair care, it forms a protective film that preserves the hair from external influences without being heavy.
Areas of Application and Recommendations
- Facial and Body Care: Used in moisturizing creams or anti-aging products, Natural Silicone provides intensive care and imparts a velvety skin feel. It is also suitable for oily skin formulations as it is non-greasy.
- Sun Care and Baby Care: In sun protection products as well as moisturizing creams and lotions for babies, it supports skin care by retaining moisture and soothing the skin.
- Hair Care: In shampoos and conditioners, Natural Silicone can replace conventional silicone oil to care for dull and damaged hair. It improves hair's suppleness and elasticity and can also be used pure for hair tip care.
- Decorative Cosmetics: In makeup products such as lipsticks and foundations, Natural Silicone ensures improved application and durability by enabling even distribution and leaving a dry finish.
- Men's Care: In products such as after-shave balms and moisturizing creams, it offers a soothing and nurturing effect post-shave.
Additional Uses
- Make-up Remover: Natural Silicone enhances the cleansing effect in make-up remover formulations by effectively dissolving make-up residues while also caring for the skin.
- Combination with Plant Oils: For optimized care results, it is recommended to combine Natural Silicone with classic base and active oils to enhance the variety of care effects.
Interesting Facts about the Raw Material / the Plant
Starting with olive oil as a base, a special process produces two components that together constitute the unique properties of Natural Silicone. This plant-based alternative to silicone oil is known not only for its sensory properties but also for its sustainable and environmentally friendly origin.
Natural Silicone (Natura-Tec® Plantsil) is revolutionizing natural cosmetics with its versatile applications and its skin and hair care effects, without the need for synthetic ingredients.
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